LangFest x uTalk
Our quizzes will continue...
We hope you enjoyed attending our quizzes at the Polyglot Conference this year. We had so much fun, in fact, that we're going to be hosting one every month until we (finally, hopefully) all make it to Cholula, Mexico for the Polyglot Conference in 2022!
Each quiz will take place on the last Friday of the month (or as close as possible - but we'll let you know!) and will consist of three rounds played via Kahoot.
Don't know how to use Kahoot? Check out our video - or simply come along. We're more than happy to explain during the event.
How do I join the quizzes?
It's easy! Simply pop your email address in the form below and we'll send you a reminder at least one hour before the quiz is due to begin. We also always post about the quizzes on social media, like Twitter or Instagram, so you'll get some warning there, too.
You'll get a link in the email to the Zoom call for that month's quiz. Once you've joined the call, you'll be able to take part with everyone else - we'll share our screens so you can see the Kahoot, although now there is the ability to show both questions and answers on the Kahoot app, so if you only have the one device, you should still be able to take part!
What about prizes?
We'll still be giving out prizes - uCoins for those in first, second, and third position in each round - so if you're the competitive sort (or you really want to get more uCoins for our app), then it's definitely worth coming along.
It's not all about the prizes, of course - even if you don't know the answers to any of the questions we're testing you on, you're sure to learn a lot!
We can't wait to see you soon. Until then, happy language learning!
Don’t miss out on a quiz!
Enter your email address and we’ll remind you an hour before the next quiz is about to begin.
Thanks for submitting!